When the vast majority has gone bad, is there any hope for what is good?
If I were a truly religious zealot, I would assume that Judgment Day had been and gone and that we, all 7 billion, are the residue wandering the Earth worshipping the devil. But I am just another Christian who is only too aware that our fate is and always has been in our own hands.
The world has become sick; or at least the anglophone world of Britain and the USA! Obsession with sex has taken over all bar a few of our minds. The devil we worship is our sexual ego. We are no longer measured by achievement, intelligence, personality or beauty. We are gauged by our physical body's sexual scoreboard, or at least how we like to portray it.
This was never the case decades back. To our enlightened grandparents, love was not predominantly about sex. True love is something that lives between two souls, not between foum legs. They stuck with each other through every challenge. When the sex left, better friendship, trust and understanding moved in.
My exposure to relationship breakups around me and my regular reading through even serious "agony aunt" internet sites proved this is no longer the case.
In particular, the honest "Experience Project" revealed that, of 80 cases I read of relationship breakups, just two instances cited financial stress as the reason. In no example did the partners split because of:- clashing eating habits, diaposed musical taste, holidays from hell, no common interests/friends or even simply they got fed up with the sight of each other.
In all 78 remaining cases out of 80, the reason cited for the breakup was, without exception, .......SEX! When the physical side stopped or slowed, the relationships died.
What this means is rather alarming. In all 78 instances, by deduction, neither partner had anything other to offer but sex. The evidence here is that their entire time spent together was sexually motivated. This is unnatural! All life-forms are of course ordained by nature to emphasise reproduction and survival in their lives; but in the ratio of about 1-2% against 98-99%; it's a jungle out there! But to spend virtually your entire life motivated by sex only is biologically untenable. Maybe the comfort zone of technological advancement has made survival so easy, we have only the reproductive element to motivate us. Except, of course, we no longer get together to procreate, but just as a game for adults. And that game has become as addictive as poker, or as any PC game.
But, if we look at the trends in society:- fashion, reading habits, behaviour; this biological anomaly has clearly overtaken the vast majority of the population of our world, if not everywhere else. It is a condition of the mind and is a disorder. That mass-illness seems irresistable and can best be described as.....
The main problem here is that, as the vast majority suffer this condition, they think it is right. This is not in any way logical; most of us have pilfered something in our lives, but it does not make stealing right. If the entire world went down with HIV, should we stop treating it? Clearly not! Sexual OCD is a collective fault in the third millennium human psyche.
One of the accelerators of this disorder is the downfall of any sense of responsibility. We are now more liberated than ever. However, with less formal responsibility to others in the community around us, we have mostly become more selfish.
This selfishness is reflected in this particular subject area in carnal obsession and the resulting sex-only relationship. Think about this rationally. I put it to you that, technically, the only person that sex is making love to is yourself. It is instigated not by any remote feeling for your partner but spontaneously by the need to satisfy urges in your own genitalia. Your partner is a purely physical convenience for this. In this obsessive environment a genuine UNCONDITIONAL love for each other cannot possibly germinate. This is the chief reason that love for your own body is all you have to share. So, when the sex stops..... well, we are back where we started!
This is not something I have suddenly discovered in a moment of inspiration. We were warned about it years ago, more than once. When George Romero wrote "Night of the Living Dead", it was more than a B-movie; this is why it became a cult classic. Romero was trying2 tell usthe impending threat of supernova corporations and media giants brainwashing the population en masse in2 a downhill avalanche of decadence. This was an allegory. This is where we are with the fashion industry and its sexual hypnosis, Google with its mindbending propaganda ad paedo-enabling googlegroups, and finally drug, alcohol & porn pushers now so huge they are bigger than, rather than simply above the law.
Given all the political undertones throughout John Wyndham's work, I have no doubt he was relatingb the same analogy in Day of the Triffids. The very few of us who are left standing against the onslaught are having to hide ourselves like Bill Mason behind metaphoric electric fences. In the books, the good guys were never actually seen to win.
Romero and Wyndham were geniuses. But alas nobody was prepared to listen to them.
But the pansocial fixation that "sex rules ok!" is damaging more than casual relationships. It has compromised victims of abuse. It is open season on everyone out there, of all ages! Yes, read as written; it is that horrific.
We hide behind an age of legal majority of 18. Yet we all hypocritically encourage media (magazines, TV programs, internet sites) who sexualise the interests of all children of teen age. We exploit the vulnerability brought on by adolescence. Why do their dubious adult protectors do this; for the kids' sake, or for their own?
I have over the past decade studied psychology. The internet has been a great enabler of access. But now I wish I hadn't bothered. It is a great temptation to psychologically profile people as you meet them, but the conclusions should be met with helmet of resilience.
My experience is very stark.
Casual everyday conversations I have with young women from European cultures reveal confidence, approachability, compromise, respect and trust in their personalities.
Yet the same friendly approach to many British and American women, an unhealthy large minority, is met with the antonymnal defensiveness, bitterness, materialism, verbal abuse and paranoia.
These are classic reactions of females who have been sexually abused sometime in their lives. In the cases where the damage is deep, the root cause will have occurred during adolescence.
It is not cultural difference. If that were the case, the different nations of Europe would vary just as starkly. But they carry an amenable sameness, in contrast to the anglophone neuroses. America and Britain are losing it, if it is not already too late. And our young girls are the social holocaust.
Take a look at the American peculiarity of Child Pageants. Girls from toddlers to late teens are dressed as sexually as legally permitted for the benefit of a voyeuristic audience. Have you noticed the age range of their fathers? They rarely seem to be in the 25-35 range (when sexual frustration has not yet onset), rather well over 40, even 50! These males in all probability have wives of the same age, who are growing lines and falling out. So, if the father needs to look elsewhere, who is most likely to resemble the partner he was sexually drawn to when he was coming out of his teens? The junior Pageant Queen? This is just one example of a trend across society.
In an increasingly material world, the media-exposed teenager is aware of the new Wii, the new dress for that party, the false security of a dubious parent. If a little closeness guarantees the goods, who is to gainsay it? Then we protect these abusive parents by allowing them to keep the child indoors, under the pretext of safeguarding them. But is it a deliberate but unofficial way to stop them telling tales out of home, as if what goes unseen does not matter?
But why are these young girls not complaining? Maybe they are still too naive to suspect their own "loving" family. Or is it because they are so numerous, they do not see it as abnormal? Why do you think Britain has three-and-a-half times the teenage pregnancy rate of the next worse culture in Europe? Because unlike their continental counterparts, they have been trained for a lifetime of wanton sex since adolescence. Right now I don't particularly want to face the question as to how many of these teenage pregnancies were not at the behest of other teens.
But what is apparent is that, all of a sudden, an obsession shared between millions of consenting, if out-of-control, adults, has moved into a new, ultimately evil phase...... incestuous child abuse! And the sickening worry is that trends suggest it may not be uncommon.
But if it is only one innocent child out of a hundred, surely it is two too many! Surely?
I needed to escape this Babylon. I moved into the world of naturism. This is a world where people wear no clothes. In the society I was escaping, that is a dangerous enabler. But I found a world of honesty and respect, where women and children are safe from sexual abuse, where familiarity with the naked body fully relieved the obsession of the outside world. Sex is not a part of our open community. If a male is seen pointing due magnetic north, he is thrown out of the gate, closely follwed by his clothes. Self-control is second nature to this honest community.
Our children are exposed daily to the naked body. But it never imposes itself on them. It simply walks nakedly by, it lays around naked soaking up the sun, it sits naked in the canteen patiently waiting to be fed. It is Gods, or Nature's, greatest creation. To pervert it would be the ultimate sacrilege. This should be the answer to mainstream society's ills.
Maybe, I thought, we could teach mainstream society the error of its ways.
But it cannot possibly be, because we are naked.
Obsessively, instead of learning from us, outsiders try to gatecrash our Eden in search of swinging parties, easy pickings.
Then, and this is the most damning evidence against widespread sexual OCD, think on this! It is not illegal to be naked in public anywhere in the UK or US. It is not illegal to post innocent naked images of anyone publicly in those countries, so long as they are not sexual. The right to "Nudity without more" is protected by the US Constitution and by US Supreme Court ruling.
Yet, try to post clean, non-sexual nudity on the internet. Moderators remove it, not because they have to, or because it is obscene, but because they are perverts and see it though perverted eyes. To sexual obsessives, nudity = sex! They are incapable of perceiving the naked body without becoming sexually one-tracked, aroused even. Now, answer this! Is a child in the bath not naked? So where does he lie in this mindset? Are these people allowed to bath their kids?
I have spent so much time protecting children on the internet through Internet Watch Foundation (CEOP) andf the Innocent Images National Initiative (FBI). I have personally brought about the imprisonment of one child abuser and the ongoing investigation into another case. But it is not enough; I cannot change a widespread mindset.
I did not want to have to paint this picture any more than Dante Alighieri needed to portray his Inferno. Like Constable and his landscapes, we both just laid out what we have seen with our mind's eyes. Have I given up, or is this one last call from the heart? Sexual Obsessive Compulsory Disorder exposed!
I was about to retreat from your rotten world overrun with sexual OCD like the onward march of the Triffids, behind the safety fence scripted for me and my community by an alternative John Wyndham. But I can't! What about the millions of kids out there. It is like leaving them to die, to become zombies, abused. I can't do that; We have2 fight, because the new generation is all we have left, our last hope. They R not little adults; they R kidz. To rob them of their childhood years is the worst of all crimes against humanity.
I now half-expect 500 million messages of abuse and ridicule from the obsessives of the UK and USA. But if I can just reach a chosen few, perhaps a quarter of a million, people with conscience and human insight, I will take it all on the chin. If I can open half a million eyes, that is a lot of people. Gather them together in Trafalgar Square and they could not be ignored.
To me, what hurts cannot over-ride what is right.
Is there anybody out there. Is there anybody with the sttrength of spirit to resist the sexual OCD that is killing our communities and abusing our kids?
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